Digital nomad lifestyle

Digital nomad lifestyle: Will it fit you?

This article was inspired by many conversations that I had with people around the world, who want to become digital nomads, aka who want to work from anywhere, aka who want to be location independent, aka who want… Read More

digitalne nomadstvo

13 znakov, že digitálne nomádstvo je pre teba

Započuli ste v poslednej dobe výraz digitálne nomádstvo alebo digitálny nomád a už len pri vyslovení tohto slovného spojenia je na tom niečo, čo vás láka? Alebo je to skôr pocit, že chcete objavovať svet, robiť zaujímavé aktivity,… Read More

Destination: Better life

I’m writing these lines because I am very sad and I wish that there will be a day when no more people die because of their wish to live a better life. I’m writing these lines because I’m… Read More