About Silvia Puchovska

Ahoj, Hello, Hola!


Nice to meet you!

My name is Silvia Puchovska and I’m from Slovakia.

It’s a pleasure that you want to find a bit more about me.

The Unboxing Traveller blog started it’s journey in November 2012. It was a beginning of many changes for me: I decided to leave a job that I really loved, in order to fulfill my travel dream. When I quit and started traveling in Argentina, I had no idea that life will take me somewhere completely else – to location independent lifestyle and to my own business. I like to share my thoughts, experience and lessons learned with you. I hope that you will enjoy my blog, be inspired and have fun!

Why do I like location independent lifestyle? It simply brings me the freedom to work from anywhere, explore this beautiful planet and surf. I’m happy when I can spend quality time with my family, friends or meet locals from all around the world.

How do I pay for my bills and flight tickets? I work online and the main source of income comes from my inbound marketing agency for small and medium businesses “Studio Inbound” and some part of the income is generated form blogging.

How am I in a “real life”? I am full of energy, curious, passionate photographer and I like to cook and surf. I like to inspire and be inspired. I like to share ideas about new projects and always return home to Slovakia, because that’s where I have my roots 🙂

Last but not least, I’m always in search for something local and unique so it’s also for all “unique” stuff” lovers. In an increasing globalized world, where you can get almost the same products everywhere, I love to discover unique, local and even funny products and services. As I have been working in marketing communication for 8 years now I have run across many “unboxing videos”. This way of product promotion inspired me so much, that I decided to do my own blog and to do unboxing videos for the local products and services that I find interesting.

Safe travels to everyone <3
Silvia Puchovska


Ahojte všetci, ktorí ste pristáli na mojom blogu. Som Silvia Púchovská, cestovateľka, marketérka a blogerka.

Unboxing Traveller je môj prvý blog a píšem ho po anglicky. Tento blog začal svoju cestu v roku 2012 v Berlíne a keby mi vtedy niekto povedal, že úplne zmením svoj životný štýl (k lepšiemu), tak poviem, že: “snáď, ale nie som si istá, či sa to dá…” A veruže sa to dá. Hlavne vtedy, keď človek sníva, plní si svoje sny a trpezlivo na nich pracuje.

Ak vás zaujíma online práca, nomádstvo alebo surfing, navštívne môj slovenský blog https://silviapuchovska.com, kde sa vďaka článkom, videám a fotkám dozviete viac.

Šťastné cesty,

Silvia Púchovská