Unboxing Traveller: Živijó! Tri roky cestovania a blogovania

Unboxing Traveller: Živijó! Tri roky cestovania a blogovania

Všetko najlepšie k tretím narodeninám milý môj blog! Presne pred troma rokmi sme spolu odleteli do Buenos Aires, čo bolo výsledkom usedeného kancelárskeho života a túžbe vidieť svet. Od vtedy sme boli v pätnástich krajinách Latinskej Ameriky, v… Read More

Typical products from Slovenia (Unboxing)

Slovenia is a small but sweet country that can seem as a destination for a short period of time. I can imagine that it’s also a country that lot of people drive through to get to their final… Read More

Happy Nicaragua – Behind the Scenes

I’m grateful for people like Pharrell Williams, people who inspire others and share happiness. Thanks to Pharrell and his amazing song Happy, I did a dance video in Nicaragua – with a great help of my travel buddy… Read More