My first digital nomad book: How it all started?

Exactly one year ago I was approached by a known publishing house in Slovakia – Vydavateľstvo Motýľ. Their editor in chief asked me if I ever thought about writing a book – my story, how I became a digital nomad and what I learned during this journey.
At first, I was not sure if to accept this offer because I didn’t know how to write books 🙂 I’ve been blogging and creating content for over 7 years, but a print book that will be distributed in the biggest book stores in my country is a very different project.
But as you know me, I couldn’t say no to this opportunity, so I signed the contract and during the last rainy season in Bali I wrote the most of it. I finished the text this summer in Slovakia and it has already been edited by my publisher. We’re currently working on the graphics and selection of photos.

The book has 65 “work-travel-personal” stories that document my experience and lessons learned during a 5 year journey to becoming and living as a digital nomad & working remotely. I hope it will help, inspire or entertain someone who is thinking about a similar path.
The book will be in stores in Slovakia this fall. You can find more information on my Slovak website
I’d love to do an English version next year. Let’s see how that goes 🙂
Thanks to everyone for supporting me so far!

digital nomad office

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