Posted on January 20, 2018
Did I disappoint you?
I’m sorry.
Let me explain.
Working directly from the beach sucks. In tropical countries (which are so popular for picturing people while working from beach beds) is often too hot, sunny, windy, not comfortable and annoying sand gets directly into your equipment. I’m not even talking about humidity or distracting people in bikinis and boardshorts running around!
How do I know it?
I’ve been there. I’ve done that.
I damaged my fancy MacBook Air because I was playing it cool… right after I was detached from the typical office life while creating my beach life.
Don’t get me wrong. Beach life is amazing 😎
But… Let me give you an advice… don’t live in a dream and stop focusing on “working from the beach”.
Find a suitable workspace, a coworking, quite coffee house or your own room and get to work. Be productive and save your equipment and Instagram feed from bullshit. You will have more time and money for getting crazy on the actual beach… whatever that means to you. And if that means posting beach offices, fair enough, I just wanted to throw my 2 cents into this topic.
Last but not least, if you want to have a good laugh insert “working from the beach” into your Google image search
From Bali,