World travel checklist: How to Prepare for a Travel Abroad?

I’m going to travel very soon (well, I travel most of the time) so I thought about sharing my knowledge and a checklist about “How to Prepare for Travel Abroad?” I had it in my notes for a while so it’s better to put it in a digital form and save you some time when you travel abroad.

This is a checklist of the areas that I recommend to think about when you are about to travel to a foreign country or to travel for a long-term. If you are in need of a packing list, I recommend to read my previous article “What to pack.

Ok, ok. So let’s start buddy! You are going to travel soon and you are so excited that you are also a bit scared that you will forget about something important. Don’t worry, here is the World travel checklist and in case you forget about something even after reading this, it was meant to be ☺

I believe that there is a reason why we choose a particular destination. We can learn something new and we can share our knowledge everywhere we go. It is incredibly inspiring and empowering to travel. The choice of a destination is a personal thing, however I would like to encourage you to find out something about the country prior to your departure. Find more about:

– What is the past and recent history?
– What are the cultural habits and traditions?
– What is the current political regime?
– Any security issues?
– How are women treated in this country?
– What is the local food and beverages like, e.g. any challenges for vegetarians or vegans?
– What is the local language/languages? Is it worth learning some conversational phrases?
– What is the local currency and how does it convert to US dollar or EUR?
– What are the conditions for digital nomads? BONUS section below

Everyone has a different budget and a different way of thinking about money. I am a “mainstream backpacker” so usually I ask myself:
– What is the recommended daily budget? Daily budget includes: Accommodation, meals, transport, activities, occasional souvenirs and toiletries. And a beer or two ☺
– Where can I save money?
– On what am I not going to save money cause this is a fantastic thing to do here?

– What kind of weather conditions will I experience there? How to plan my clothing and equipment?
– What is the time difference? Use

– What are my expectations of this country and this travel?
– What do I want to do there?
– What do I want to learn there?
– Do I want to take part in a local community and help with something?
There are so many different ways of spending time and exploring a new country. I am a person that likes to be either surprised and spontaneous (when I have lot of time) or I plan and research a lot (when I have limited time). What I love to do is plan all kinds of activities that I can do just there – because I never know if I will come back – and I love to take part in a local community and contribute with something.

– Traveling solo? Be open-minded and ready to meet people. Be ready to be alone, but not lonely. Be ready to meet lot of travel buddies. I met a lot and it was great 🙂
– Traveling with someone or in a group? Be ready to enjoy this adventure together and also to do some compromise. I can’t forget about traveling with my best buddy Madula who helped me to do a video in Nicaragua.

– Do I have a valid passport?
– Do I need any type of visa?
– What to pack? Check my Packing list
– Do I have or need roaming abroad?
– Do I need to announce to my bank that I’m traveling abroad?
– Should I have two bank cards, in case I loose one?
– Do I have a travel insurance?
– Do I need any special medication or contact lenses that I can’t get there?
– Do I have to be in a special physical condition? Should I get more fit?
– Do I need vaccination and if so what kind of type?
– How much cash should I bring with me if something goes wrong, e.g. my credit card doesn’t work?
– When is my flight or bus drive? When should I be there?
– Check that your carry-on items are allowed in each airport where you need to take a flight.

– Where will I sleep? (At least the first night 🙂 Will I use shared communities like or
– What is the common and recommended public transport in this country?
– How will I get from the airport/bus station to my final destination?
– Will someone wait for me? Or at least check if I have arrived? This can be a local couchsurfer or a person from a hostel.

– What kind of internet speed do they have there? Use
– What kind of electricity power and plug do they have there?
– Will I buy mobile internet or use wi-fi?
– Will I visit some co-working spaces or have a chat with a local freelancer or an entrepreneur? I recommend to check
– If you stay there for a while, you can look at for an average monthly cost.

– Share information about where you are going and how to contact you or your travel buddies with your parents or friends.
– Say a proper goodbye, because you will be surely missed. Don’t forget to say goodbye to your family, friends, pets, local lady in the shop, your hairdresser, the cute guy who invited your for a coffee just one day before your departure. Or throw a goodbye party, invite that guy and don’t forget to catch your flight on time. Cause you’re going to traveeeeeeeel 🙂

I hope that this checklist was helpful! Let me know if you have some more ideas about “How to Prepare for Travel Abroad?“ Use the comments below, or write me and subscribe for more posts and checklists.

Safe travels 🙂

Silvia from Unboxing Traveller
Dream. Explore. Realize.

About the Author
profile_blogThanks for reading this article 🙂 My name is Silvia and I’m form Slovakia. I’m passionate about entrepreneurship, marketing, traveling, surfing, photography and I’m in the search of the best ways how to combine it all. Over the past 3 years I changed my lifestyle completely. From an employee in a larger company I started freelancing and working online to be location independent. What drives me is the idea that if I want to, I can book a ticket and go surfing anywhere in the world and stay as long as I want. Also, I gathered lot of content and ideas inspired by beautiful people, places and products. I blog and organize presentations about these topics. Safe travels!

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