Posted on August 9, 2018

Exactly one year ago I was approached by a known publishing house in Slovakia – Vydavateľstvo Motýľ. Their editor in chief asked me if I ever thought about writing a book – my story, how I became a digital nomad and what I learned during this journey.
At first, I was not sure if to accept this offer because I didn’t know how to write books 🙂 I’ve been blogging and creating content for over 7 years, but a print book that will be distributed in the biggest book stores in my country is a very different project.
But as you know me, I couldn’t say no to this opportunity, so I signed the contract and during the last rainy season in Bali I wrote the most of it. I finished the text this summer in Slovakia and it has already been edited by my publisher. We’re currently working on the graphics and selection of photos.
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Posted on July 9, 2018
10 Must-Know Money Tips for International Business Travel

Posted on May 21, 2018
5 Tips On Travelling To The World Cup
Travelling to the football World Cup can be an incredible experience whether or not you’re a huge fan of the sport. It helps to be a major football supporter of course, or at least to have your home nation in the mix. But even if you’re merely a curious wanderer, there’s nothing quite like a World Cup. You’ll be in a country striving to show off the best it has to offer, see brand new (or at least freshly renovated) stadiums, and encounter people from all over the world. And you may even get swept up in the sport itself.
The 2018 World Cup begins in Russia about a month from the time of this writing. We’ll touch on Russia a little bit, but mostly as an example. The truth is the following tips on World Cup travel can apply to the same event in future years as well. So, let’s get to them!
1. Plan In Advance
This goes without saying for most any major international trip. But for the World Cup in particular it’s important to plan well ahead of time. You can go at the last minute if travel is manageable, and usually find your way to a few matches you’d like to see. But with tickets in demand and plenty of events to choose from, it’s wise to do some early planning for the World Cup. That way you can map out a route between the host cities, prioritize a few matches you’d like to see (or even national fan bases you’d be most interested in being around), and generally cater to your own preferences.
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